Hyprocure Post Surgery Oct. 2nd
My surgery was at a ambulatory surgical center and I was prepped, ready to go in the morning. The surgery itself was done with a numbing topical on the foot along with a twilight amount of anesthesia on the left foot. It is fairly quick about 15 minutes and the surgeon is done. It was announced during the surgery since I was partially awake that I got a size 05 stent. This means its a 5 millimeter hyprocure device. This might be the smallest size I am not sure yet but they go up to 10. They absolutely should hand you a card with a picture of the hyprocure device and size number in your feet (see below). This is for any medical center before they take an MRI to understand you have titanium in your body. I am now on antibiotics and painkillers. I only needed the painkillers the first 2 nights then its just a mobile issue. You wear a boot for about 2 weeks or so before you get the bandages off at the doctor's office. So far weight bearing is painful but tolerable to get around...
Hey Robert. My name is also Robert. Glad to hear your Hyprocure journey went well. I just had a few questions. How long after the surgery were you able to return to normal standing and walking activities for long hours? and after post operations (I'm talking months after) did you stumble to walk, feel unbalanced, or walk in weird way than before?